Companies all over the place are looking for ways to reduce costs, and many are also trying to find ways to be environmentally friendly. In the process, paper towels and other disposable cleaning products have gotten a little bit of a bad rap. While it is certainly good to do what you can to reduce waste, paper towels and other cleaning products do not necessarily need to be eliminated completely. Here are some reasons you should keep these cleaning materials handy.
The Right Tool for the Job
Reusable towels and sponges have their place in cleaning at your business, but they are not appropriate for every single job. When you are trying to clean up messes that are greasy, especially in breakrooms and kitchens where you can find fat and other similar spills, a disposable towel is the natural option to use. These types of messes can ruin your reusable towels
For some businesses, the use of grease is part of your everyday work (auto mechanics, for example), so having some disposable towels on hand to clean up these messes can actually save you a lot of work, and cleaning products, trying to remove enough grease from your reusable towels to be able to use them again.
Avoiding Germs and Bacteria
There are also some jobs around your business for which disposable paper towels can actually protect your cleaning crew and employees. When you are required to clean up messes that could potentially be harmful to your employees, such as those involving germs, bacteria, or communicable diseases, it’s better to be able to dispose of the cleaning tools immediately after they come in contact with the potentially harmful areas, rather than risking that they might contact hands, face, or other items at your business and could spread those germs.
Worried About Using Paper Towels?
There are some that argue that paper towels should never be used, and contribute to added pollution, pointing out that they do not recycle well. The evidence against paper towels is actually pretty thin, as most of the studies and information regarding paper waste is related to the most commonly used: white paper in printers and copy machines. This is a far more important thing to address if you’re concerned about being green than the use of some paper towels for cleaning purposes.
If you are worried about it, be sure to research the available paper towels out there to get the most eco-friendly options for your business. The Ragman Company has a wide selection of disposable and reusable towels for your business, so check out the selection and find the right ones for every cleaning job.